Sunday, June 29, 2014

Vagabond's Farewell

Too long a time 'tween me and gone
and my soul collects dust on a shelf
Somehow the road just feels like home
… turns me back into myself

I long for the hum of my tires on the road
And the lure of a brand new view
And since this road just feels like my home
I'll go … with or without you

But how can you ever miss me
If you never let me go
They say if you love me, set me free
If you don't, you'll never know

I long for the feel of my feet on the shore
And the crash of the surf in my ear
I'd love you to come, but since you won't go
I'll kiss you and leave you right here

So I'm up when dawn's on the horizon
And long gone by the time the sun breaks
And nothing but dust in a gentle breeze

by the time you finally awake

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