Tuesday, July 15, 2014

7 days, 7 chances

I got up this Monday, this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
I don't know what tomorrow brings, so now I'll take the chance
to love each other, sing a song, let loose my fears and dance

Chorus: Because today may be the only day I ever get again
              And if I don't do this thing today, then when?
              Today may be the only chance I ever get again
              And if I don't do this thing today, then when?

I got up this Tuesday, this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
Today I'll see the best in every other person's eyes
And show I have compassion through whatever tests arise

I got up this Wednesday and this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
And so today I promise I will hear before I speak
and listen for the voices of the quiet and the meek


I got up this Thursday and this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
It's time to let these often silly ancient grudges go
They never served me well and often hurt me still, you know

I got up this Friday and this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
And so I shall not make a promise that I cannot keep
Knowing that just as I sow, that I shall also reap


I got up this Saturday and this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
Today I'll judge not. Today I'll judge not.
Today I'll judge not. Today I'll judge not.


I got up this Sunday and this is what I said
“Today I am younger than I'll ever be again”
And I thank God for the last seven days
And fill my heart with gratitude and praise

Chorus x2

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